Winter Allergies and Kids: You can be allergic to what?


Welcome to Winter!

Just when you think allergy season is over, you or your kids are having allergy symptoms. As someone who spent years trying to figure out what was going on with my own allergies and why I kept getting sick, I paid a lot of attention to my boys and their symptoms.

The constant question of is it a cold, or is it allergies, is nonstop question all parents face. The most common allergies during the winter season are dust, mold, pets and cockroaches. Dust is understandable and cockroaches are on the list because they shed which adds to the dust and dust mites causing us to sneeze or difficulty breathing.

During the cold months the windows are closed, the heat is on and you are closed in basically with no fresh air. Add to that the holiday season when the majority of people bring live trees into their house, you are adding mold too. Then most of us have those adorable little critters running around our houses we can't live without. I personally have two dogs right now, and yes the dog hair can and does get crazy. So if you are allergic, it can reek havoc on your immune system.

This post isn't about any of those allergies though. This post is about a rare allergy as a parent I live with everyday. COLD. Yes, it is a rare allergy, but a scary one. One of my boys is allergic to cold temperatures. It is categories as a winter allergy here, but it is really a year round allergy and one that can be very dangerous, if your not aware of it, and not prepared for.

The symptoms of a cold allergy come out  when exposed to extreme temperature change. For years my husband and I thought our son was allergic to some sun screens. Every year as the warm weather hit he would come out of the ocean or pool with hives. I spent so much money on suntan lotion it's ridiculous.

I'll be honest, on a whim, while at the doctors getting his asthma checked, I mentioned my son's hives while going into the water. After a few simple questions, the doctor told me he can be allergic to cold. To be specific temperature change, and asked me if he can do a simple test to check. I said yes.

The simple test? Holding an ice cube to my son's arm and wait. Sure enough after a minute or two my son had hives on his arm where the ice cube sat against his skin. The dangers? Prolonged exposure can result in labored breathing, and as a child who already has asthma, that can happen faster then a child without asthma. 

The cure? Non. The treatment? Non. Be aware of the problem, and prepare. Cold weather, layer up. No exposed skin, carry Benadryl, carry your asthma medicine and always have back up plan.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This is just my personal experience. 

Enjoy the Moments, Cherish the Memories!

Until Next Time - Cynthia 
