Cooking with Kids: Homemade Pumpkin Bread


The leaves have turned, apple season is over, and there is a chill in the air. That can only mean one thing. Autumn is here. If you've looked at your calendar, and with all the activity bustling around in your house between school schedules, sport and other after school activities I'm sure that you have, you've already noticed Thanksgiving is only two weeks away.

Where does the time go? As children get older, you will find yourself saying that more and more often. As my boys got older I found myself wishing the days would go a little slower, the nighttime rituals of bath time, brushing their teeth, putting on their PJ's,  story time, and that one last kiss goodnight to not end.

Even now, my boys are 23 and 21 I find myself asking, did you make an appointment to see the doctor for your wellness visit? Did you schedule your dentist appointment? Now, I don't HAVE to ask. As their mom, I already know the answer to those questions, but once again, as a mom, the thoughts go through my head. Mostly I think of it because it one less thing I need to do for them. They are grown adults and I've taught them to take care of that themselves.

Another thing I taught my kids to do themselves? Cook. Growing up I was taught, you need to learn how to cook. As a wife, and mother you will need to be able to cook for your family. My mother did all the cooking, as did both of my grandmothers. The only thing my father knew how to do we use the grill.

Back then, things were different. People thought differently. Today, men and women both cook. Both go to culinary school. My husband loves to cook, and he is a very good cook, but teaching the boys to cook was on me. Why? One, because my husband was at work. Two, because it was important to me that they learn. I taught my kids at a young age, don't expect your wife or your girlfriend to cook for you. Learn how to take care of yourself.

Now, my boys cook, and they are not afraid of it. I guided them, I let them lead. I nurtured their love of food and creativity. My one rule? Don't burn down the house. LOL. And so far they haven't. They embraced it. 

My boys have fun in the kitchen, and even cook with their girlfriends. They will even snap a picture of a special dish they are proud of and send it to me and their father. That is what it is all about. That is why we slow down, take a breath, let them lead, and enjoy the chaos. Embrace the messy kitchen, you can clean it up afterwards. These moments don't last. Enjoy them while they are here, because in a blink they are gone. 

Now, roll up these sleeves, and get cooking!

Enjoy the moments! Cherish the memories!

Until next time - Cynthia 

