
Ever look up at the night sky during in the month of October? This is the time of year when we see the the leaves change color, the air gets cooler, and if you live by the water you will notice the tides change. Now I'm going to get all scientific on you. (Fun fact about me. I LOVE Science.) The tides change with the pull of the moon, and the pull of the moon changes in line with the change of the seasons.

Now, when you look up at the night sky during the different season you will notice different constellations. Constellations always fascinated me. To be honest, I always hard a hard time finding the more complex figures, but I loved the stories that  aligned with them. Most of them come from Native American Heritage, and I believe to be one with the earth in that sense is just invigorating. 

This post isn't about that though, this post is about the infinite space of the night sky. Just looking up at the vast space of it can make anyone feel so very small. Think of all the possibilities a body of this size could have.

As children, the world can seem like a large scary place. We feel tiny in retrospect, and insignificant. I wrote this poem at a time when I myself felt small. Trying to find my place in such a vast industry as publishing where you are one of many, it's hard trying to find what makes you different sometimes and lighting your own fire. It takes confidence, determination and perseverance. I dedicated this poem to children striving to find the confidence inside them, but also to adults so need that extra boost to never give up. Especially on yourself.   

A Constellation Is Born

Twinkle, Twinkle little star,

you seem much smaller than you are.

Up above the universe,

you shine like silver,

Making my heart burst.

Longing to feel the warmth of the sun,

you make your own,

you can’t be out done.

you might be small,

but you are strong,

No one can tell you how it's done.

Your light is so bright, you attract,

other stars follow you in your path.

They follow you for who you are,

for what you stand for,

for you will go far.

You stood alone for so long,

until your followers showed you where you belong.

With each star which followed you,

a beautiful constellation grew.

Be proud little star, for you have grown,

for the sky has become your throne.

I knew one day you’d go far,

a constellation is what you now are.

Promise me to Enjoy the Moments, & Cherish the Memories!

Until Next Time - Cynthia 
