Literature & Composition


When I started my journey studying English Literature my plan was to land a job in publishing. Over the years life had other plans for me. I envy those who were able to make their dreams in the literary world come true faster than I did. BUT, if that had happened to me. I wouldn't have experienced the wonderous things I have. One of those most important things is my Nicky picture books series. Nicky after all comes from my experience and blessed moments for raising my two boys.

I have always written, and I have always loved reading the classics. Now that I am older and my little Nicks' don't need me in the same capacity as before, I am able to dive back into my love of writing and studying those classics again.

My Nicky picture book, Nicky's Very Messy Room prompted me to get out of my comfort zone and market myself and my writing in an entirely different way than before. Through hard work, diligence, and perseverance I am starting to see the fruits of my labor, though I know I still have a long way to go.   

Which leads me to today's topic The Elements of Composition & Literature. They say write what you know. If you think about that, every story, every novel ever written has a tiny bit of truth to it. What compelled the author to write what they did? What was happening in their life at the time? What social, economical events were taking place? The novella Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorn delves into the internal devil of man, the Novella The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman uncovers the reality of woman's social injustice in 1890s, The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson, set in 1940 discusses population growth.

These stories are meant to leave an impression upon the reader. The authors are writing a story sure, but they are creating more than a story, they are stirring the mind of the reader. Works like these are meant to be interpreted, discussed and open the readers mind. The composition of these works bring the story to life immersing the reader into the author's world. The reader doesn't feel like they are merely reading a story, but living it. 

This type of expository writing is not an easy task, it is an art form. The flow of the words, the syntax, the symbolism is extraordinary. I remember taking a writing class in college on expository writing, and that is all we did. Write, write, write, rewrite, rewrite, rewrite until the work was perfected.

Years later I published my children's picture book and I hope I may continue my series of Nicky picture books, and publish my young adult novels, plus I was blessed with an added bonus. I get to go back to my roots. Literature.

I have been commissioned to work with high school students grade 9-12 teaching a creative writing workshop. I can not tell you how thrilled I am to work with this age group again. Tutoring high school students in English was a joy for me, and I can't wait to get back into the classroom again. To discuss the basic and complex elements of literature with young adults today. To help them hone their writing skills and help them harness their dreams is a dream come true for me.

For information on my writing workshops and how I can cater to your students, please contact me.

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