How you interact with an outgoing child is different from how you interact with a child who is shy.
Let the shy child take the lead here.
What do you do when a child is shy? You can't make a child just snap out of their shyness. Over coming being shy doesn't happen over night. Let's face it, they may not over come it.
People are different. Some people are introverts by nature -Shy
Some people are extroverts - Out going
Some people are a little of both. Guess what? There is nothing wrong with that. When I was a child I was shy. Guess what? I still am. I'd rather step back and let someone else take the limelight. I rather take it all in.
What you don't realize may times is these children who are shy? They are absorbing EVERYTHING around them. They are taking it all in.
Don't force these children to take part in games they are not ready to play. Let them watch. Let them enter the playground at their own pace. All they need is one friend. Let them get comfortable with that one friend. Give them space.
After a little while, once you know they are comfortable, have their friend introduce another friend to their circle. Continue the pattern.
Shy children need to know they are safe. Create a safe space for them to be themselves, and grow. I promise you they will thrive, gain friends and grow to be strong individuals. Will they become extroverts? Not likely. Will they become comfortable in their own skin and venture out of their comfort zone once in a while? I hope so.
Let them enjoy the moments! While you- Cherish the memories!
Until Next time- Cynthia
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